Monday, February 12, 2007

Finding the boss

One of the difficulties I had during the summer I spent trying to wrench back my deposit was not knowing who I was dealing with. had an office, a phone number, and a face: Mark.

But Mark was never authorized to make decisions. Those could only be made by John. And John was never around. It helps to know who you're dealing with _ and who to hold accountable _ especially when you're trying to right a wrong. So who are these people?

It never hurts to run a DNS query on a site _ I should have done it before signing up with these fraudsters, but I didn't. In this case, I've learned nothing new. is registered in the name of "Flat, Findmea" (har, har) but the actual registrant appears to be a certain The site has also been live since July of 2004, suggesting that while this may not be a fly-by-night operation, we could be looking at a whole universe of unhappy landlords, tenants, and buyers.

So who are you, Mark, John, and George? And how many people have you taken advantage of?


Unknown said...

In response to your last question...

"Mark" is Mark Johnson, "John" is John White. John's elusiveness, and the fact he was the only person able to deal with our enquiry, leads us to believe that he doesn't REALLY exist.

Were you also told that John:

1. Was often ill
2. Only works Tuesdays to Thursdays
3. Was never available on the phone but "might be able to reply to emails"?

Andrew Rummer said...

I am another victim of

I have successfully taken them to court but doubt I will ever see the deposit they took from me.

John is indeed "John White", but who knows if he really exists. I've received letters and emails from him but never spoken to him. The other people I dealt with went by the names "Will" and "Tyrees".

Please contact me on 07967 626 602 or if you can help me track them down.